Governments at all levels are the chief component of administrative system According to the principle of entropy increase, rational and just administration is vital to administrators in operating efficiently and orderly. 各级政府是行政管理系统的重要组成部分,根据熵增加原理,行政人员理性、公正行政是行政系统高效与有序运作的根本;
Commentate the mechanism of food decay with the principle of entropy increase of dissipative structure theory 利用耗散结构的熵增原理来释权食品腐败变质的机制
This paper demonstrates on basis of Boltzmann relation, on definite circumscriptions and on certain conditions, the new proposition that the uncompensated spontaneous contraction of the volume of a uniform system in equilibrium is impossible and the principle of entropy increase are equivalent. 本文根据玻耳兹曼关系论证了平衡态均匀系的体积无偿自发收缩不可能的新命题,在一定范围内、一定条件下,和熵增加原理等价。
Understanding about the Principle of Entropy Increase in Thermodynamics 对热力学熵增原理的认识